
Nathan Gritter

Tenor (Community Program Mentor)

Nathan Gritter (he/him) is a singer and conductor based in Toronto. He is currently studying choral conducting at the University of Toronto in a Master’s degree program with Dr. Jamie Hillman. He is the Director of Music at Kingsway-Lambton United Church, conducting its Chancel Choir. Nathan is also the Assistant Conductor for the Tenor Bass Choir at U of T and an Associate Conductor with Modern Sound Collective. He sings professionally with the Toronto Mendelssohn Singers, Soundstreams’ Choir 21, and the Pax Christi Chorale. During his graduate studies, Nathan was awarded the Elmer Iseler National Graduate Fellowship in Conducting.  When not singing or conducting, you can find Nathan running, swimming, playing board games, or spending time with friends and family.