
Lindsay McIntyre

Soprano (Community Program Mentor)

Lindsay McIntyre is a Canadian vocal artist whose work lies at the intersection of technical precision and the magic of mindful experience. Awed by the natural world, Lindsay believes music making is a form of transfiguration: creating moments out of thin air. A scholar of the voice, body, and meditative practices, Lindsay is particularly passionate about using her instrument as a vessel for contemporary music. Lindsay is a versatile soprano, celebrated for her crystalline extension, grounded presence, and captivating vocal colour.

Lindsay has worked with contemporary music company Soundstreams in three seasons of their Electric Messiah, a reimagined version of Handel’s classic piece; Garden of Vanished Pleasures, a reflection of Derek Jarman’s life through the music of Cecilia Livingston and Donna McKevitt; two programs on the music of Claude Vivier, Love Songs and Musik für das Ende, which toured internationally in the spring of 2022; and Reich’s “Drumming” with TorQ & NEXUS percussion quartets.

Lindsay has appeared as a soloist in Mendelssohn’s Elijah with the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir and Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Handel’s Dixit Dominus with the Toronto Mendelssohn Singers, Buxtehude’s Membra Jesu Nostri and the Canadian premiere of Craig Hella Johnson’s Considering Matthew Sheppard with the Grand Philharmonic Chamber Choir, and BWV 4 & BWV 165 with the Theatre of Early Music.

On the operatic stage, Lindsay has performed the roles of Euridice in the North American stage premiere of Haydn’s L’anima del filosofo, Sophie in Strauss’ Der Rosenkavalier, First Witch in Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas, Hero in Berlioz’s Béatrice et Bénédict, and Titania in Purcell’s The Fairy Queen.

In the summer of 2023 with support from the Canada Council of the Arts, Lindsay was a participant in the Yellow Barn Music Festival, an international chamber music festival held in Putney, Vermont. Lindsay previously held a professional fellowship at the Hawaii Performing Arts Festival. This season, Lindsay will partake in residencies at the Banff Centre for Arts & Creativity and at the Lunenburg Academy of Music Performance, where she is a 2024 spring fellow.

Lindsay holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in performance from the University of Toronto, where she was the first ever vocalist to win the DMA recital competition, was a recipient of one of seven graduating awards given to students “deemed to have the greatest potential to make an important contribution to the field of music,” and was a two-time recipient of the David and Marcia Beach Summer Study award. Lindsay’s doctoral research studied the impact of an eight-week mindfulness intervention on students suffering from Music Performance Anxiety (MPA).