
Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Violence 

Download the TSM Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy 

This policy applies to all management, employees, contractors, board members, volunteers, visitors, program participants, students, fellows, and hosts who are engaged with Toronto Summer Music (the “TSM Community”). The policy also applies to any member of the public or other visitor to TSM premises or events presented and/or sponsored by TSM. 

TSM adopted this policy to promote a climate of understanding and respect and to ensure ethical and respectful practices that incorporate equitable treatment for all members of the TSM Community and members of the public or visitors who interact with TSM. 

TSM will not tolerate, ignore, or condone any form of discrimination, harassment, or sexual violence and is committed to promoting appropriate standards of conduct at all times. All members of the TSM Community are responsible for respecting the dignity and rights of other members of the TSM Community and members of the public or other visitors with whom they interact. 

This policy prohibits sexual violence, as well as discrimination and harassment based on any ground protected by the human rights laws in Ontario, including but not limited to: race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status, and disability. Discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence are serious forms of misconduct which may result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge from employment or engagement and/or exclusion from events or programs. 

All information is available in French, upon request.
Toutes les informations sont disponibles en français, sur demande.